New blog made with Hugo

I have decided to start a blog focused on developer stuff and also probably some design/UX stuff. The goal is to keep this blog fresh with at least one new entry each month. You can expect to see posts about technologies such as Vue, ASP.NET, C#, TypeScript, and others. This is my first attempt at a proper dev blog so I guess it needs some time to find itself.

Well, I guess you want to learn about how I made this site, so here we go..

Static site

I have been a lurker on for some time now and I was intrigued by the simplicity of static site generators. With the modern-day developments of frameworks of all sorts, you will know about the overwhelming feeling of choice. There are tons of various frameworks out there, each with their own crazed cult following. So this is obviously the same when it comes to static site generators.

Staticgen list most of them but I decided to only try a few. The one that impressed me the most by (Jekyll, Hexo and Hugo) was Hugo. Written in go, Hugo is really blazing away when generating static HTML assets. With the neat command hugo server you can develop with a fast feedback-loop thanks to livereload.


So, after configuring my Hugo site, the next step was hosting. Netlify seemed too good to be true with their generous free plan and developer friendly deployment process. I can’t recommend them enough. Staticgen has a button to deploy to netlify under some static site generators to make it even easier.

You chose a branch to have CI/CD and Netflify will set it up automatically. After that, you can add a custom domain and HTTPS from Lets Encrypt.

Road Ahead

I have some plans to make this theme better to form it more to my liking, but I’m not sure if that’s something I want to be spending time on. My biggest focus will be on producing valuable posts for the community, and of course family, job and side hustles.